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Catching You Up

A lot of you have asked when I might be moving, and I have (frankly) ignored you or I gave the synopsis. :-). It's a long story and it's difficult to tell...given where I am on the journey to recover speech. (SO MANY WORDS!!)

Well, here's your answer.

When I had my stroke, my credit was perfect. And now? I couldn't get a loan for a new condo.

Basically, here's what happened:

1. In the late summer-fall, I asked my mortgage company for a reduced payment, and they said, "oh, sure!" Here's the new payment, and it starts right away.

2. A couple of months later, I started receiving bills that indicted that I was behind on my payments. "That's strange," thought I. So I called them and spoke to my representative (Pete), and he said there was nothing to worry about, and I should ignore it. (That I can do!)

(3. BTW...my mom spoke with Pete every week, sometimes multiple times.)

4. Then this happened: http://www.npr.org/2014/11/18/364131391/firm-accused-of-illegal-practices-that-push-families-into-foreclosure. Uh, oh.

5. Still, Pete told me not worry about it...yeah, right. They were reporting me late on the difference between my old payment and  my new payment to the credit bureaus, and I didn't find about it...until I applied for a loan.

6. Bottom line...they say they are wrong. But the credit companies won't comply. I (or my mom) have written to the to credit bureaus, all three of them, on numerous occasions. I hired a woman who has dealt with these issues. I have filed a complaint with the AG's office. I have even talked to a lawyer (luckily, I have some contacts!).

What I'm grateful for:

1. My mom...she should be awarded a prize...seriously.

2. Time...I have TIME (until July). And no job (this has taken up a lot of energy). And I love, love, love my current house.

3. Compassion...I'm sorry if you've had problems with the credit companies, bless you. I'd always heard they were evil (and I don't take that word lightly), but I had NO idea! The lies, deceit, and outright untruths are something else. Wow.

4. Curiosity...why don't I feel more upset? Meltdowns, tears, and anger--all part of it, but not like before the stroke, where it passes quicker. The only answer...God. After these 2 years (almost), of not knowing whether I'd talk again, losing my job, losing friends, being disabled and getting used to it, through it all--I've learned to trust God and to trust that love wins--otherwise, I wouldn't have been open to the changes of my new life. (It's good.)

And my credit doesn't matter. AT ALL...to God.

It will be straightened out and I will move. Eventually.

Thank you for your patience and, most of all, your prayers.