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Exprayeriment #25 -- Revealing the Way

Source: chestchest.tumblr.com via Faith Squared on Pinterest


God, give me a definite lead. Reveal to me the way.
Let me see clearly the perfect plan.

-Catherine Ponder

It's a brand new year, and we’re kicking off the 2013 EHQ with one of our favorite words…which also just happens to be a holiday.  :-D

Epiphany is defined as:

1. The manifestation of a supernatural or divine reality. (Christianity/ecclesiastical terms)
2. Any moment of great or sudden revelation.

A “bolt from out of the blue;” a sudden flash of awareness; the information out of nowhere that instantly fills in the blanks in both your mind and your heart…as if God Himself stepped in and handed you the answer to a question you didn’t even know you were asking.

If you’re open to it, that’s exactly what He’ll do…’cause that’s just how He rolls.

Epiphany is also a traditional Christian celebration following the 12 days of Christmas, commemorating the visit of the Three Kings to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem. Catholic devotional writer Edward Hays wrote in A Pilgrim's Almanac that Epiphany is a day to honor the great star that led the Magi to the Christ child.

For this week’s Exprayeriment we invite you to honor all the magical ways that God has revealed Himself in your life…and all of the miracles to which He will lead you, if you are willing to follow.

Spend some time remembering and appreciating the amazing moments of divine guidance you’ve received in the past, and the adventures that ensued. Journal about them, or just make a bulleted list for reference.

Go outside at night (weather permitting!) and look at the infinite possibilities sparkling in the sky, and give thanks for the clarity and beauty of God’s guidance. Then use the prayer above to ask for a definite lead toward your highest good. Wish upon a star and be ready for more delightful surprises and divine revelations in 2013!

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A Quick F2 Announcement

Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey last month.  Based on the responses we received, we will no longer be delivering the Project You posts via e-mail.  If you would like to get the Project You posts by e-mail, please let us know and we will update your subscription preferences.  Otherwise, please read all the way to the end of the EHQ post each week, where you will find links to the latest Project You posts.  You can also like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter…we always update our FB page and Twitter feed when a new post is published.  

Please let us know if you have any questions! 

Robin Dake is our Project You blogger for January.  Please pop over and read her posts from this week, Droplets of Faith and Gifts In the Rain.