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Exprayeriment #29 -- New Life

Source: thedame.tumblr.com via Faith Squared on Pinterest


Divine activity is now operating in my mind, body and affairs, whether I see it or not.
My good now overtakes me in a surprising way!

–Catherine Ponder

February 2 is an ancient holiday known as Candlemas, or Imbolc (meaning “in the belly," or in the womb of Mother Earth). One of the 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, Candlemas marks the return of spring, even as winter continues its hold on the earth.

Candlemas is traditionally a time of cleansing and purification, for discarding outworn things of the passing winter in preparation for the warm days ahead, and to make room in our lives for new bounty. Like the first slender tips of spring flowers pushing up toward the growing sun, our new, truer good stirs in us as well, asking to be birthed.

For this week’s Exprayeriment, choose a favorite hands-on craft project—painting, drawing, sewing, cooking, etc.—to symbolize the germination of new life and ideas. Make sure that it's something that will both delight and inspire you as you participate.  If you need an idea, check out the Collage Mandala instructions from Christine Valters Paintner's "Stirring in the Belly Mini-Retreat." (If you can make time for the entire self-guided retreat experience, even better!)

Before you begin the project, cleanse your body with a ritual bath scented with lavender, and as you soak, meditate to clear your mind and heart of what no longer serves you.

Then as you work, repeat the prayer above to infuse the finished creation with purpose and possibility.

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Please join us in welcoming Sarah Hawkins, our February Project You blogger!  Check out her first post: Let Go and Let God.